Six Sentence Sunday

Six sentences from my WIP.

An air mobile swoops low, missing me by inches, as the navigator searches for a parking spot on the overcrowded streets of District 401 – the former city of Los Angeles. I duck another reckless navigator as I race across the bridge to my 57th floor apartment. Bridges criss cross the lower airspace leading to apartments across the district. Ground floor residences are a luxury in the busier districts such as 401. There’s nothing worse than the endless drones of air mobiles and its larger counterpart – passenger air busses – as I try to sleep or watch a movie. I have the unfortunate pleasure of living in a cheap, high rise apartment building beneath the busiest traffic airway in Area 1 ā€“ the first habitable continent that was discovered after Earth’s mass self-destruction at the beginning of the century. Ground floor spaces are far too expensive for ordinary citizens.